
Welcome to Yoga with Deven,

where the focus is on improving the execution of asanas while tying into the larger goals of yoga, like mindfulness.

Why should I do Yoga/Asanas?

Simple answer1 Because you want to make a change and/or improve yourself. Detailed answer The aim of the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali is to get a better understanding of how one’s mind (citta) works, and in time, with effort, even control it! It will help you understand the difference between Yoga and Asana. At a…

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Yoga vs Asana

Yoga is a philosophy that establishes a nomenclature to help understand the mind, and describes a way to gain control of it. While asana (part of Yoga) is the practice of physical postures. Ashtanga Yoga Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga. If you imagine Yoga as a ladder that will get you to your…

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Beginner student – Sadhana Pada

Why should I change? Per the Yoga Sutra 2.16, Swami Vivekananda tells us that “the misery that is yet to come, it is to be avoided1”. Patanjali addresses the beginner students in the second chapter (sadhana pada), and in the 16th sutra, he tells us that it is possible to avoid future conflicts! The key…

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Advanced student – Samadhi Pada

In the introductory chapter of the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali is explaining concepts meant for the advanced student; one who has started their yoga practice/journey and has read the sadhana pada. You should have a good understanding of what yoga is addressing; the kleshas, yamas, niyamas; and have begun the practice of mindfulness, asanas. Patanjali starts…

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